I'm not sure where all of you were today, but I was at home bundled up in blankets, slippers, and a sweatshirt because my house was so cold. The weather outside wasn't so warm either today with the wind and rain. It's the middle of May people! Why is it so darn cold here?
While trying to figure out the answer to that question, I took myself back to when I was growing up and my mom would have wassail and cinnamon rolls waiting for my siblings and I after school on a cold rainy day. Well, I took myself partly back, with two grumpy little boys who did not take naps and woke up early this morning all I had time for was to make the wassail. It was heavenly!
While taking my first sip, I pretended for a quick minute that I was sitting by a fireplace, reading a great book, sipping my wassail with the kids playing nicely with each other in the background. Mind you that is all it was is a pretend quick minute, because the next thing I heard and saw was my two year old slipping on the kitchen floor with wet toilet paper all over him. my bathroom, and my kitchen. I'm pretty sure I know where that water came from and it wasn't a sink or tub. Gross! ( I love my little man but he sure is curious!)
So, I wanted to share with you the recipe for my favorite childhood cold day drink and then when you take your first sip, you can pretend that you are sitting by a fire too! Sometimes all you need is a pretend quick minute!

Blend and boil for 5 minutes:
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
2 cups frozen orange juice concentrate (water added)
3/4 cup lemon juice
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons almond flavoring
2 quarts water
Simmer until hot
Enjoy the tasty goodness!
Sometimes I like to add this Aspen spice to it and it makes even more amazing! However, its getting more and more difficult to find. The only place I have been able to find it is Orson Gygi or every once in a while Tai Pan.
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